邹林儿,男,1971年生,副教授。上海理工大学博士,澳大利亚悉尼大学访问学者。主要从事集成光学,光波导技术及器件和高速光通信技术领域的研究工作。目前围绕硫系玻璃波导材料,研究硫系玻璃波导的各种光电子效应及其光波导集成器件制备应用于高速光通信领域, 以及硫系玻璃材料在THz波段的光谱特性。目前已发表30多篇篇学术论文,其中SCI、EI论文25余篇;主持各类基金7项,其中主持国家自然科学基金2项,在研1项。
[2] L. E. Zou,I. V. Kabakova, E. C. Mägi, E. Li, C. Florea, I. D. Aggarwal, B. Shaw, J. S. Sanghera, and B. J. Eggleton, “Efficient inscription of Bragg gratings in As2S3fibers using near bandgap light,”Optics Letters,38(19):3850-3853(2013).
[3] L. E. Zou, Y. D. Ge, Y. Shen, B. X. Chen, and M.Iso, “photoconductivity of amorphous As2S8chaclcogenide film under bandgap light irradiation,” AIP Advances 3, 062111-9(2013).
[4] Irina V. Kabakova, Liner Zou, George A. Brawley, Catalin Florea, Ishwar D. Aggarwal, Jasbinder S. Sanghera, Eric C. Mägi, Enbang Li, and Benjamin J. Eggleton, “Dynamics of photoinduced refractive index changes in As2S3fibers,”Applied Optics,51(30): 7333-7338 (2012).
[5] L. E. Zou, S. T. Yao, B. X. Chen, Y. Shen, H. Hamanaka, and M. Iso, “Recovery response of optical stopping effect on P2As20S78and Sn1As20S79film waveguide,”AIP Advances2, 012146-8 (2012).
[6]邹林儿,姚松超,王国日,沈云, “BK7玻璃保护层掺钕磷酸盐玻璃波导特性,”光学技术, 38(6): 708-711 (2012).
[7] Liner Zou, Songtao Yao, Baoxue Chen, Hiromi Hamanaka, and Mamoru Iso, “Optical Stopping Effect on As20S80System Film Waveguide,”Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2012 Conference on.
[8] Zou Liner, Wang Gouri, Shen Yun, Chen Baoxue, and Mamoru Iso,“As2S8planar waveguide: refractive index changes following an annealing and irradiation and annealing cycle, and light propagation features,”Journal of Semiconductors, 32(11): 112004-6 (2011).
[9]王关德,陈抱雪,王平,隋国荣,邹林儿,浜中广见,矶守, “硫化砷非晶态波导光阻断效应的机理研究,”物理学报, 60(7): 074224-7 (2011).
[10] Lin Er Zou, Bao Xue Chen, He San Lin, Hiromi Hamanaka, and Mamoru Iso, “Fabrication and propagation characterization of As2S8chalcogenide channel waveguide made by UV irradiation annealing,”Applied Optics, 2009,48(33): 6442-6447
[11] L. E. Zou, B. X. Chen, L. P. Du, H. Hamanaka and M. Iso , Photo- and thermally induced changes in the refractive index and film thickness of amorphous As2S8film,Journal of Applied Physics, 103:123523 -5 (2008)
[12] L. E. Zou,B. X. Chen, H. Hamanaka and M. Iso, Fabrication of an amorphous As2S8 stripe waveguide and its optical stopping effect,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 41: 095108 -5 (2008).
[13]邹林儿,陈抱雪,杜丽萍,刘小青,浜中广见,矶守.非晶态As2S8半导体薄膜波导热处理效应的研究,半导体学报,Vol.28(8):1307-1311 (2007).
[14] L.E. Zou,B.X. Chen, L. Chen , Y.F. Yuan ,H. Hamanaka and M. Iso, Fabrication of an As2S8stripe waveguide with optical stopping effect by exposure to ultraviolet irradiation,Applied Physics Letters,88: 153510-153512 (2006).
[15]邹林儿,陈抱雪,陈林,袁一方,浜中广见,矶守. As2S8玻璃条波导的光激励法制备技术研究,光学学报, 26(7):1043-1047 (2006).